Wednesday, January 18, 2012


This is a public service announcement. Then again, not quite.

1) Because I am currently announcing this to zero followers.
2) Because I am not publicly servicing anyone. Privately however, a different story.

On that note. This here blog, "Everything is Lemonade", is a forum in which I, the author of mysterious origins, will be sharing creative projects with the world as they are being developed rather than keeping them hidden away amidst computer files and scattered notes. It is a way of making myself accountable to my creative endeavors, a way to discipline myself without the spankings or rewards... For me, the new reward will be the fact that I've completed something. It's not as great as a good spanking, but sometimes in life we have to do what needs to be done to make ourselves happy, we have to take chances, make leaps of faith, and sacrifice time and pleasures, all without expecting anything in return, in the hopes that our dedication and persistence will one day pay off. We must do all this remembering one thing... That if it doesn't pay off, we must be satisfied with the knowledge that we tried, for we would have lived a life full of regret had we not. Make the best of everything, because sometimes life itself, is a fucking lemon.


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