Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Dear Stereotype: Know-It-All Bystander

So, today, while driving around for work, I found myself with an urge to beat a man down in front of his two daughters. Why? Some people are just REALLY ignorant and don't know when to relax and not be assholes. Gather around children, and I'll tell you a tale.

I was driving in my car. I came to a stop at a red light and wanted to turn right. This is what I observed in that instant. Across the four lanes at the opposite end of the cross walk, a man with two young daughters beginning to cross the road. As any motorist knows, it takes enough time for walking pedestrians to cross four lanes that if you're turning right, you have enough time to drive on and away before the pedestrians even make it half way across the road. I begin to drive as the man and his two daughters begin to walk, at which point one of the two little girls decides to run. Although I could still make it through before the girl reaches the fourth lane, I break immediately, stopping before her father even notices she has ran off. The father notices the front of my car sitting about one foot into the cross walk and yells for his daughter to stop. All is well, right? No. He has to become an asshole. This know-it-all shit-face begins angrily waving his arms in such a fury I thought he was about to whip up a fucking tornado. He starts shouting at the the car and talking smack to me from three lanes away, making comments about me even having the nerve to look at him. I rolled down my passenger side window as he passed by because it looked like he had something important to say, and this is what transpired...

"What's wrong with you!? You should be paying attention!"

"There was more than enough time to go, but then
your daughter started running, and I stopped
because I WAS paying attention."

"You're an idiot, it's a cross walk!"

I looked at this face of the older daughter who was baffled at what was going on, she stood and looked at me as her father walked on a few steps not noticing she was still there. I think she realized that I was being rational and her father was being a fuck-stick. I'm sorry, asshole. I'm sorry little girl that your daddy has a short temper and probably beats you when he steps on toys you've left on the floor. I'm sorry, I didn't realize that was a cross walk. Oh, by the way, it's called a cross walk, not a CROSS RUN! I hope your children grow up with the better sense to not do what you just did to someone driving a motor vehicle, because some people are CRAZY. I've seen a motorist make an effort to try and run down a cyclist after the cyclist smacked the side of his truck for popping out of the lane as the cyclist was passing by. Don't be an asshole! Don't take out your frustrations with your inability to control your children on me, jerk-store, fuck-head, adjective-noun.

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