Monday, January 23, 2012

Poetry (4 the insane): Fuzzy Chili

So, I wrote this poem some time ago. "Some time ago" being several years ago, or more. No, I couldn't tell you the exact date. I didn't record that. I just know that I wrote it a long time ago, sheesh! Why are you so inquisitive? Oh, you're not. Are you even reading? Of course you are. Are words on a page even words if there is nobody there to read them? Deeeeeeep!

Anyway, I shared this poem with a co-worker some time ago. "Some time ago" being several days ago, or more. No, I couldn't tell you the exact date. FUCK OFF! NO, please don't go! Seriously, I want you to stay. Yes? Good. So I wrote this (what is to follow) out to the best of my recollection on a piece of paper and pinned it to my co-workers wall on a day she was absent, because I figured she would find it humorous upon her return... (to be continued)

* * *

Fuzzy Chili

I live in a magically land of puppies,
everything is made of dogs.
Every step I take I step on a puppy,
it’s not as messy as stepping on frogs.
Every structure, every product, every person is made of puppies, isn’t it silly?
The most fantastical thing about this land is you get a lot more meat in your chili.

* * *

So, I get to work the next day and find a poem pinned to my wall, and I think to myself. My co-worker must have really appreciated me sharing that (otherwise why the fuck else would she do the same)? I find the time moments later to go up to her section of the production office to say hello, where she (an intern) shares and office with another intern, and this is what happened (roughly)...

"Oh, hey ?"

"Interns, good day."

"Oh, hey ?"

"Thank-you for the lovely poem HER."

"Oh, this is going to be good."


"Your poem was mean."

"No, it was about a magical place, with puppies!"

"Dead puppies."

"No. Well, maybe. Hard to avoid when puppies are everywhere and everything."

"Do you know why I wasn't at work yesterday?"

*sensing something coming*



"I was putting my dog down."



"I'm SOOO sorry!"

"I did like the poem though, it still made me laugh."

/end "a day in the life of", or /end poem, or /end whatever, go the fuck to sleep!

1 comment:

  1. I love that. Look- you don't need to write scripts, they are writing themselves in your own life!!
