Friday, January 20, 2012

Poetry (4 the insane): 3 Brothers

Near the edge of town through the Forrest of Shadows,
in the shallows of the dreadful Bone Hill;
Stands an empty abode that is eerie and old,
and so cold it would make your blood chill.
Upon a time none would dare to make passage there
due to scares spawned from tales and folk lore.
Still I believed it a lie to hear those who have tried must have died
for they'd been seen no more.

Can you imagine a place of such horror?

I in my youth was an inquisitive sleuth
who questioned the truths of these tales;
I ventured from home; now lamenting I roamed
all alone down before spoken trails.
Excited I entered the house uninvited,
my thoughts all since blighted it seems.
Visions of horror with me evermore,
I assure you they haunt all my dreams.

I awake to my own daunting screams.

If one case I must boast
 in scenes I've seen most
through dark spells I've been under, here goes;
Of three brazen brothers whose poor widowed mother gave name
Edgar, Allan, and Poe.
They set off late one night in hopes they just might find Bone Hill
all in spite of fair warning.
The travel a burden they expected for certain to be surmounted by morning.

I restate all in spite of fair warning.

With great success they consented a rest in discovering what they had sought.
The house stood there still, the brothers were thrilled,
full of vigor they soon would be not.
They walked straight inside with abundance of pride,
which an instant turned into sheer terror. 
The shutters blocked light and doors slammed lock tight;
starless night and exits nowhere.

Just death for all them to share.

Shrill screams and strange cries thereafter arise,
whirling 'round like ash from Hell's fire.
Echoing tones of anger and moans, sobs and sighs of lost souls all so dire.
The brothers set still having lost hope and will to react to the dreadful uprising.
Frozen with fear they were parted, not near, all alone without even realizing.

All alone with their fright, paralyzing.

Edgar howled out to his brothers no doubt, who did gather their breaths to respond.
Till they heard Edgar gasp, loudly gurgling blood,
then in silence believed he was gone.
Just then sudden sounds of thrashing around
were bound to drowned pleas for mercy,
For hours he prayed, his death kept delayed,
every second the torment was worsening.

Then it stopped for something else was emerging.

The lights dimly rose casting shadows of those who once lived
till they went to that place,
It seemed like the light was their essence of life being cast by the pale of their face.
The shine came with gloom, they were near room to room,
but dared not to whisper one word,
Then something between them began to converse,
and "you never saved me" was heard.

I admit that it all seems absurd.

Edgar's moans were repeated until they defeated Allan's will who shouted
"I'm scared!”
Then a symphony of woe arose ill-composed, with the sounds of indescribable tears.
Allan's cry echoed throughout the halls that were filled with the stench of demise,
Poe now remained, alone with the thought, that the thought to be there was unwise.

They had heard that all who went there had died.

Poe tried not to weep but his sadness was deep and his chance of survival long lost,
Together they conquered the treacherous miles to get there
where their lives were the cost.
A tear hit the floor which eroded away and Poe plunged into an abyss,
Gone, all gone, the brothers they were gone, for their poor widowed mother to miss.

In Hell believe me, all of this.

Now that you know, would you dare to go, to the place I alone had been spared?
The brothers had tried and died like the rest, only others had gone more prepared.
Dear reader I ponder as I look out my window,
in the moon light three figures below,
I've relived in my mind, the time I was there, and now it is time that I go.

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