Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesdays: Not Completely Determined

Wow, holy crap. I slept (or at least stayed in bed) for NINE hours this morning. Yup, in bed by midnight, up and moving around at nine. That is not entirely like me. I often only sleep about five or six hours. Anything more than eight is pushing it. I find that if I sleep any more than that, I end up feeling lethargic and headachy. I might feel like a little bit of those two things right now, but I'm going to kick it. Rather, I'm going to punch the day in the face and get out right away.
First on the check-list: LAUNDRY! Laundromats won't be so occupied today, so I can get machines and read comfortably. Second on the check-list: PINTS! I'm going to catch up with some friends I haven't seen in a while. I haven't had a beer in over thirty-five days, since the cleanse/detox... I'll get drunk on two pints (just a guess). I might have jumped well ahead on the check-list... I have some things to fill my time between. One of those things is that I have to start making my "Gastronomical Disasters" phone calls. For this, I'll be video recording myself talking to people on the phone, gathering ideas for the show. Another thing I must do today... Drawing a blank right now. I think that is all I had planned.
SO, let me think what else I need to do, even if it is thought to be a no brainer... Things To Do: Eat (yes, the standard breakfast, lunch, and dinner), Shower (cleanliness of the body promotes cleanliness of the mind, not to say my mind will be less dirty, because it won't), Exercise (preferably before I shower, though I could shower twice, I would rather schedule them in a time saving order), Breathe (yes, we do this without thought, but sometimes focussed breathing or "meditating" is extremely useful),  Write (doing that right now, but writing later, would make me feel even more productive, more accomplished, so I'll do that)... What else? PIMP MY BLOG! You to can pimp my blog. Share it with your friends. Right now. Go go go!!!

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