Friday, February 10, 2012

Dear Stereotype: Cosplay Nerd

Your name was Jake, you were carrying a better than decent replica of Luke Skywalker's lightsaber waiting for friends four hours early for the midnight showing of The Phantom Menace 3D. I was waiting for a friend to arrive as I was holding tickets for a showing of Robocop, so I sat reading a volume of The Walking Dead when I noticed you in my peripheral vision looming ominously about. I barely turned my head in recognition and you saw an opportunity to begin a conversation, and so you did...

High-Pitched Voice Stranger
"So you like comics?"

"Yeah, I read once in a while."

Same Pubescent Stranger
"Are you more of a Marvel or D.C. comic nerd?"

Still Me
"Neither really, I like them both, I'm just following *this* series right now."

*The Walking Dead - IMAGE comics*

Cosplaying-Voice Cracking-Talkative Stranger
"Do you do cosplay, or maybe go to any comic-con conventions or other nerd type stuff like that, I do, I'm totally all about that kind of stuff. I'm a nerd."

Me (No Longer Reading)
"I go to the occasional comic-con."

He was very talkative, hyper talkative even, I found it difficult to keep up with him, but I did, I had no reason to brush him off, he was being sincere and just seemed lonely. He shared information about his favorite blogs on movie, television, and video game reviews, he shared his dreams about working in film and making monster movies, as he had been working on one for two years to date with some friends, using a USB video camera. We talked about special effects, I suggested some film programs he could look into, and it went on and on... We talked about Back to the Future, Dinosaurs, Disneyland and Universal Studios, we... well he, talked quite a lot, very very much. My friend showed up and was astounded at the amount of words that came out of Jake's mouth in such a short period of time. Good kid, that Jake...

My message to you, the Cosplay Nerd... I salute your dedication to your passion. I commend your boldness in approaching complete strangers and initiating conversation. When I got finally got home some time around midnight, while you and your friends were beginning to totally geek out, I crawled into bed with my girlfriend and told her all about my day, and about you. She said that she hopes the best for you in life, and asked if I thought you would have trouble meeting a girl, and I told her I thought you would be absolutely fine. I would hope that at some point in your cosplaying or comic-con adventuring, that you apply that same social nature you showed with me, and use it to click with someone you can share nerdy delights with for the rest of your life. I hope that, because there is a nerd in me who at your age wanted the same thing. You know, I hear these radio spots about people doing good things for other people, and one of them says that people should be more like dogs, not in the crotch sniffing, face licking aspect, but in regards to how they assume most people are friendly... Well, I can agree with that, but I think more people should be like you, Jake, like nerds, because all nerds ever do is get passionate about creative and intellectual things that they enjoy sharing with other people.

I write this message with a smile on my cheeks, love in my heart, and a healthy meal in my belly. I wish the same to any and all who grace these pages.


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