Saturday, February 11, 2012

Poetry (4 the insane): Circles

Here is one that I wrote thinking of it more like a song than a poem.
Perhaps one day it will be a song, but for now, its just a poem.


Oh how I love the way you glide on air, even as you're leaving me.
Your curves, slipping from my hands, into the clutch of another man.
I doubt he'll spin you like I did; frankly I don't give a damn...
Gone like the wind.
I know you'll come right back to me, and I'll catch you when you fall.
These games we play, we play them together.
These games we play, can go on forever.
We went back to the house; you sat on the couch silently.
You want to go back out, somewhere there is an open breeze.
We stay, I'd lose you in the dark, the sun sets on the afternoon.
In one day we'll see the park, we'll picnic and sing broken tunes.
Its time for bed.
These games we play, we play them together.
These games we play, can go on forever.
I had a glorious dream; I thought of it fondly and buttered my toast.
That day that I found you by the coast.
Nothing that is ever lasts, oh God no.
Look out for that dog; he caught you in a pass.
It's running real far, biting down hard, and moving too fast.
I hope it gets hit by a truck or car, or crushed violently by a falling star.
I want my Frisbee back.

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