Friday, February 3, 2012

Make My Movie: Death of the Party

So, I get ideas for movies once in a while, sometimes I do nothing about them at all, sometimes I write the concept down, sometimes I write a couple of pages, and some I've completed but have yet to attempt to do anything with them, such as pitching them, or roping people into helping me make them myself. Sometimes I come up with ideas for little commercials, or youtube videos, and those more than the script ideas just fall wayside and never come to mind again, or eventually end up being made by someone else. That whole "Shit Girls Say" video that resulted in a bunch of spin-offs made me want to make a spin-off of my own called "Shit Mimes Say", but then as it turns out, someone just made it! EFF! Once an idea is put out into the world, into the collective unconscious, chances are that someone else is going to pick up on it and possibly act quicker on it than you... So, as I have ideas, I'm just going to share them... This idea, I have already shared with a few people in the industry, and I thought I might as well share it on my blog publicly before one of these other people decide to steal it and I don't get any credit for the concept. I have to ask you. Do you like zombie movies? Do you like puppets/muppets? Regardless, read on...


Pandemonium ensues on a private island where an eccentric film producer throws a “dress as the famous dead” themed wrap-party when an experimental military canister washes ashore turning guests into the walking-dead. Terrified, bewildered, and taken by surprise, guests resembling famous historical characters and media icons of the past must band together in a gruesome and hilarious battle for survival in hopes of evading their ironic deaths.
How does this happen!? On the way to the island via cruise ship, guests of the party develop a curiosity as to what smoke on the ocean horizon is coming from. At the scene of it’s cause, small military boats surround a larger military vessel that appears to be in distress and has spilled a cargo of bio-genetic research canisters into the water, and the buzz of looming danger is heard. Again, with the smoke on the horizon, a lone canister is floating away and later washes ashore near the party where Jimmy Hendrix inhales a purple mist that the viral canister emits and becomes the first of the walking-dead. His first victim, one of the many Elvis’. Confused and feeling suddenly ill, Elvis heads to the bathroom where he dies sitting on the toilet, then soon thereafter arises and begins to reek havoc at the party.
Seeing as how the characters will be portraying famous dead figures of recent and historical times, nuances of these figures lives can be used in scenes of dialogue, action, and in recreating their deaths during the course of the film. For example, picture Marilyn Monroe with her white dress being wind swept, whilst being blood spattered as she mows down some undead with a Tommy Gun; Charlie Chaplin stabs out the eyes of an undead with two forks and recreates the famous dancing scene, then later dukes it out silent film style with Buster Keaton outside a window where others ponder his whereabouts, a fight he survives when a burning wall face of the resort falls and almost crushes him to death were it not for an open window space on the wall; Undead Gaius Julius Ceasar gets stabbed by multiple survivors; The Undead Three Stooges... Eye poking, hair pulling, death by mishaps; Undead JFK gets put down by two shooters; at the loss of her lover Mark Anthony, Cleopatra allows herself to be bitten to join him; Babe Ruth goes to town on the undead with a baseball bat, and much more, not to forget, this would all be filmed with puppets.

Note: If any of my ideas peek your interest and you wish to help make them a reality. Please do not hesitate to contact me. I'll make you famous. Seriously.

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