Saturday, February 4, 2012

Shit Happens

So, I live in a house where I rent two apartments. I lived in the first with some friends, and rented the second because I was giving up my place in the first, and felt like it was time that I had an apartment of my own, that I lived on my own. Truth be told, it was something I was certain of for a while. So when the opportunity presented itself, I took it. Things were going well, very well, and then the friend who replaced me was unable to stay, and replacing him has proven difficult. To make matters worse, my landlord notified me today that he was going to raise the rent. Within three days, if I can not find someone to take that room in the first apartment, I will be calling the landlord about his notification, to notify him that I am giving him two months notice on both apartments, and I will begin the search for a new place to live. In April, in Toronto, that won't be easy. Oh well, shit happens...

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