Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Poetry (4 the insane): Jimmy


Jimmy didn't want to sleep,
For weeks escaping bed,
Until one day his eyes grew legs,
Then crawled out of his head.
They thought that in the darkness,
That tired he'd soon be,
Still Jimmy tried to stay awake,
Although he couldn't see.

He walked around in circles,
To resist the land of dreams,
Till his restless legs decided,
To tear themselves from the seams.
They thought with failing motion,
That slumber would prevail,
Still Jimmy tried to stay awake,
By crawling like a snail.

He used his arms to drag himself,
Refusing still to lay,
Then his arms ripped each other out,
To go their separate way.
They thought that by disarming him,
His persistence would unwind,
Still Jimmy tried to stay awake,
By singing out his mind.

He sung out with conviction,
So deprivation would not take,
Till his self severed bloody tongue,
Slithered off just like a snake.
His ears and nose soon followed,
In hopes that sleep would come,
Though Jimmy tried to stay awake,
He finally did succumb.

When Jimmy woke soon after,
It was with ill surprise,
The whole ordeal was just a dream,
So he rested his dreary eyes.
He didn't even notice,
The murderer at his room's door,
Jimmy fell right back asleep,
Then slept forevermore.

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