Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Incohesively Yours

I didn't post yesterday. I thought when I started this I'd post once a day, regardless of whether or not I really had something to post about. Some days I post twice, or thrice, or in farce... Arse! Shite! Poopness! It actually doesn't really bother me. I could have blogged, but was busy. I finished work, picked up some sushi, and then I ate said sushi with my lady who I then took out for her birthday, to an improve comedy show. The show was great, I laughed, she laughed, the whole audience laughed, as did the performers... It was an all-round funny fucking time! I was singled out by the comedy troupe four times through night, and was just quick enough to pull magic out of my invisible top hat to make a few funnies of my own... I got nervous, being put on the spot can do that, but the whole inclusiveness in the event made my lady's night. I had already made her day, by using my key to her place to get in before 7:00am to leave a gift on her kitchen table, and then wake her up to wish her a happy birthday before going to work... I scared the living crap out of her actually, but made up for it, with hugs, kisses, sweet words, and the aforementioned show which we left to eat pie. I had thirds. Then we went to sleep.

I worked today. I'm home now. My contract ends in two days! My cleanse ends in one day! My life... That's my choice really, although not quite because I would chose to live forever, and with superpowers, and modern science hasn't advanced as such to allow me the life I rightfully deserve, you know, for being awesome.

I remember the first time I got stoned. You know, smoked marijuana? I had a lot of friends offer many times and I always said no. JUST SAY NO! Remember those commercials? How about JUST DO IT? Yeah, I eventually did. It was a band practice, not a full band practice (oh, I was in a band), with M & M (not the candy, two people whose name's started with "M"), and we stepped outside because M2 wanted to smoke. M1 joined in. Nobody asked me... They knew better. So I said...

"Mind if I try?"


"Sure dude, be my guest."

I just remember drooling, a lot, like, uncontrollably, then rocking out REALLY hard... My dad came home a night early from a trip and insisted that we keep playing, even though it was 2am in the morning. He sleeps like a log. We kept playing for a little while, then stopped. My dad is cool. I want to have a couple of beers with him and tell him all of the shit he didn't know I got up to... That would be a LOT.

Speaking of a lot, I have been farting a lot lately, that is probably due to the cleanse, but truth be told I farted a lot before that anyway. Probably because I like cheese.

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