Thursday, February 2, 2012

Public Service Announcement

I, the creator "Everything is Lemonade" have decided, within seconds of viewing some of the settings for this blog, to warn readers that it is rife with mature content such as vulgarity, descriptions of alcohol and drug use, and references of fornication, so that they may choose to continue, or pussy out and go read something more flowery and full of sunshine. Although this blog is meant to be humorous and inspirational  (and more often than anything else, nonsensical), I thought it was my duty to alert readers to the possibility of offensive material, so that they would have no reason to cry about it later, and if they still do, then I can remind them that they were warned, and to fuck off.

That said, I don't actually like vulgarity... Pause that, rewind. I'm not actually a very vulgar person. Those who know me best would agree that I hardly ever use profanities. I'm actually somewhat of a goody-two-shoes. Mr. Do-The-Right-Thing! I've never been called that, or ever referred to myself as that until right now. I wouldn't want it as a nickname. Nicknames have to be given to someone anyway to be considered official. Choosing your own is not cool, unless it's a very relevant nickname that makes sense, in which case it would only be a little less cool for the people who knew it was self assigned. I've been given many nicknames in my life. Tornado, Cheese Wheel, Hyper Child, Monkey Boy, Bucket Man, Thunder Cock... There were probably some others but I can't recall them at the moment. Anyway, the point of this whole post was that things in this blog here may often be explicit, and you've been warned. Also, you should keep on reading, and sharing this with others... That's right, spread it like herpes at a swinger's party. For me, please? You know you want to.

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