Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It's Been A While, But...

...I'm getting back to this after a week of not writing. Someone noticed, aside from myself that is. So, what do I have to say for myself? I've been busy!

...I ended up working on the set of Lost Girl again. Great crew, great cast, great experience. People seemed happy to have me back and it looks as though I very likely will be called for more work, being as how it was the first of twenty-two episodes.

...I up with some people I've been meaning to talk to, or spend time with. I'm bad at that sometimes. Sometimes I'm somewhat of a space cadet, caught up in my own mind, which is kind of like space, infinite with possibility, or just expanding, until someday maybe my head or entire body might spontaneously combust. BLAM!

...I went shopping! I bought a new pair of shoes, a nice new formal belt and dress socks, come polo shirts, and several dress shirts. I even bought a miniature frying pan. I'm a damn good shopper. Either that I'm horrible at saving money? I've got to say though, it was nice to buy some clothes that didn't have cartoons or offensive material on the front of them. I am after all growing up. I've got grey hairs to prove it.

...I've shed a couple of tears. It has been an emotional week. I've been working out on a regular basis at the gym. My body is going through changes, somatically working what I don't need out, through  blood, sweat, and tears. All necessary, those things, and this week all for the better. I've dealt with a range of emotions, and not just my own. I've help people temper through their emotional storms, been a good guide as well I think. These things happen, and we need them to happen... Without storms nothing new would grow.

...I've been writing. I wrote a short story "Hannah Gets Her Hat Back" recently, a two pager (which I intend to revisit and expand) that I wrote in two and a half hours (rushing near the end because I was late to meet with someone). Anyway, writing that made me think if doing short story exercises more often and I got into writing something else, which I imagine to reach about thirty pages... I'm at nine. Not so short compared to the last one. This one I'm calling "Everything Is Lemonade". Not based on the blog, not at all. The blogs name actually came from the idea for this story that I let die, and decided to revive. Coincidentally, it is about zombies.

...I got stoned. Yes. With my cousin, who played a great set tonight, for many people including some friends, old and new. There were some pretty decent bands. I was sure to let all of them know it before they left. I was given a demo by one instrumental band that I really enjoyed but insisted on paying for it. Oy. I'm still flying. I haven't been stoned in a while. It is not entirely conducive with going to the gym, eating better, and generally trying to be healthier. It was as I said however an emotional week, and it was the right company for it. I didn't have an anxiety reaction to it (as I have other times, despite it having been an emotional week), I just relaxed, enjoyed music, and good company. I didn't even have a stoned-emotional eating reaction, though I have done a fair share of emotional eating. Chocolate coconut-milk crackle-coated ice-cream, crazy good! Rice crackers and avocado hummus! A bag of Smart Food popcorn! All of that healthy emotional eating, minus the Smart Food ironically.

...It's been a while.

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