Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Do 1 Thing: Own It!

No matter what it is you do, own it. OWN, IT. I took a gig yesterday as a 2nd Unit TAD on a Tier A television series filming here in Toronto. For you non-industry people, a TAD is a "Trainee Assistant Director" or a "Trailer Assistant Director", whose responsibilities (aside from dispensing appropriate paperwork to all the necessary people) include being early (seriously), keeping your calm and cool when the shit storm hits the industrial sized fan, and being the line of communication between set, and hair & make-up, and the cast. Essentially, the TAD is a glorified babysitter to the cast. If they need anything, the TAD takes care of it. So, that was it, that was my duty, and I owned it.

Today... What do I do for myself. What is my one thing? Gym? No, I walked a LOT yesterday. Clean up my living space? Yes. Do some writing exercises? Yes. Update my resume and email it to at least one production company or ad on Craigslist... Yes. Done!

Enjoy your day.

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