Sunday, April 8, 2012

Do 1 Thing

If you have been reading my blog you might remember my mention a different blog that I follow called "Do 1 Thing", a personal journey about making oneself accountable in taking one (or more) step(s) a day towards achieving their dreams. No? Regardless, pay attention...

I've taken some rather large steps in my recent life. I've joined The Directors Guild of Canada (DGC), to further my goal of being a filmmaker. I've moved to my own apartment where the only personal I have to be responsible for is myself. I also joined a gym to compliment my change of diet, to better my health, body, and mind. These were all rather simple things to do, yet it took me a while with getting around to doing them. Why? Could be that I was allowing myself to be a lazy procrastinator, or I was holding off with concerns of others and how my decisions would affect them, and it is even more likely that I was just scared. I'm in it now though, I've made the first changes, I'm doing. With taking these first steps, with making these changes, comes new challenges, new reflections, and a heightened awareness of time. With all of this new time I've had lately has come lots of thinking, and "Do 1 Thing" is one of the topics that has come to mind. The author is someone who I truly admire and respect, and has already inspired me to start this blog. I still however haven't made myself accountable to it, to my daily challenges, and I feel that because I appreciate their method so much, I might have to imitate it.

I've been thinking a lot about my dreams lately. Not the ones that wash over me nightly while I sleep, but the ones I create for myself and place on a map of my future. I think about how my map must look, the path I've travelled on it, and all of the markers I've pinned to it along the way. I look at the string of markers I'm close to with my dreams of filmmaking and notice that they all branch from one thing, my lost love of acting... It has always been a plan that I would make my own movies and play parts in them, but what of just acting in anything else? I realize I gave up on acting when I lived in Barrie many years ago, because finding an agent, and even doing extra work was just too difficult. I had to take time off work, I had to drive to Toronto, pay for parking, and at the end of the day, I'd be so far in the hole that it didn't make sense anymore, despite it being a lot of fun... Now that I'm living in Toronto, it is something I should have thought to reconsider, but I haven't... Until now.

I went to the gym.
I sent out resumes for on-set assistant director work.
I sent out emails and head shots for acting work.
Most importantly, I began making myself accountable for my dreams.


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