Sunday, April 15, 2012



The weather outside may be damp and gloomy, but I've got a smile on my face. Why? Why the fuck not? I don't feel down, because things are pretty good. Even if I did feel down though, I would say "FUCK YOU EAT MY POOP BAD DAY YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BRING ME DOWN" and I would smile, because sometimes that is all you need to do to make yourself better, smile it the fuck out! So yeah, I'm staying inside today because my stomach is upset. This is due to the fact that I went to a friend's housewarming/birthday party last night and drank beer. This sadly means I will not go to the gym because it is terribly uncomfortable to run while being extremely gaseous and the possibility of sharting is frighteningly real. I will do with my today as I did with my yesterday before the party, and write write write!!! Yes, today is that kind of day, a writing day.

I hope your day, whatever it is, comes with a smile.

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