Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Short Story Exercise: Hannah Gets Her Hat Back (Revised)

So, a couple of weeks ago I wrote a short story "Hannah Gets Her Hat Back" as a short exercise, and wrote it in about two and a half hours. I would have spent at least another thirty minutes on it but I had plans that evening and felt like I rushed it near the end. So, I took that story and spent another thirty minutes on it today, this is the result of the revision.


Hannah Gets Her Hat Back
by Michael Francis Torelli
The stone laden wall was built quite high but knelt below the majesty of the trees, of which there were several on each side, branching out close enough to the wall that their leaves mingled together in the breeze, and that one with agility and audaciousness might be able make their way up, over the wall, then down another tree and back again, or so thought Kevin.
Hannah, a woman as beautiful as the most splendid summer season, of which she’d lived to see twenty-seven, stood with the wind blowing her long blonde curls, curiously watching a devilishly handsome stranger dwell on the dynamics of defeating the perceptible deterrent of a wall. She thought perchance his age close to hers.
“I appreciate the offer, but I’m afraid it is lost.” proclaimed Hannah.
“Nonsense, I can see it right there, in those hedges.” pointed Kevin, through the large iron gates that connected two sections of wall surrounding a grand historical building, and several acres of well kept grass, gardens, and hedges, one of which held Hannah’s summer hat captive from whence moments earlier a gust of air removed it from her head and hurled it up over the wall and out of her reach. Kevin, merely passing by, witnessed Hannah’s distress and kindly offered his services in retrieving it.
“Well yes it is there, but we are here, and this wall divides us.” says Hannah.
“A minor detail.” responds Kevin, meandering towards one of the trees.
“You can’t be serious?” she delivers, placing her hand to her hip for emphasis.
“I can be whatever I want, lady, within the realm of reality at least. Having said that, yes, I am quite serious.” says Kevin, touching the tree plotting hand and foot holds.
“Why are you doing this?” asks Hannah, who in her adult years had grown accustom to all sorts of men doting on her, and trying to impress her, which she found amusing as well as annoying, but in this case more than all the others, charmed.
“Because I haven’t climbed anything yet today.”
“You climb something every day then?”
“No, but I believe it is important in life to try new things.” says Kevin, beginning his ascent of the tree with a fair amount of ease.
“Yes, but it looks dangerous. I don’t think you should do it.”
“Well it would be ungentlemanly of me to suggest that you climb wearing a floral summer dress and heels. My parents raised me better than that.”
“Indeed they did.”
“I am living in the moment. Today is the best day in the history of the world. I’d rather die right now without a doubt in my mind that I couldn’t do something I believed in my heart I could.”
“Who said that?”
“I did. There is a possibility that was someone’s famous last words.”
“Could be yours?”
“That’s ridiculous. I’m not famous.”
Hannah explodes into laughter, causing Kevin to stop as he is nearing a set of thick branches that extend out over the top of the wall. “I don’t have a hole in the butt of my pants do I?” questions Kevin.
“Made you look.”
“Very funny, monkey man. You’re really good at this you know?”
“The tree is doing most of the work. In fact, I think I could let go and it would hold me in place. Should I try?” says Kevin, releasing an arm from the tree.
“No! Please don’t do that. You’re almost there, don’t fall.”
“Almost? Top of the wall is the half way point, this is more like, one-third.”
“Very true. Just being supportive, you know?”
Kevin begins crossing the outstretched branches toward the wall, when he again stops and diverts his attention to Hannah. “I’m going to go out on a limb here, I’ve got to tell you something...”
“What?” wonders Hannah aloud, her mind ablaze with what might follow.
“Out on a limb, get it?” smiles Kevin.
“Oh my god! Was that it?” smiles Hannah, containing her contagious laughter.
“Not quite.”
“What? Continue, please.” insists Hannah.
“Well earlier, I thought maybe you were slightly pessimistic, but now I’m pretty sure you’re optimistic, and assertive...” says Kevin, starring Hannah directly in the eye.
“I like that.” Kevin replies, the both of them smiling amorously. Kevin breaks away and makes his way across the branch, places his feet firmly atop the wall, then shuffles a few steps over towards the branches of a tree that will take him down the other side.
“What is your name?” asks Hannah, totally enamored with her new hero.
“Kevin, Kevin Hannah. Yours?”
“Hannah Smith.”
They both smile and almost laugh a little bit, relishing romanticized thoughts that were they to marry, Hannah would be squared, even though she was every shape Kevin could possibly imagine.
“I’d shake your hand but, I’m up on this wall.” says Kevin, miming the act of shaking hands, then shrugging his shoulders.
“That’s okay. How’s the view from up there?”
“Beautiful.” says Kevin without looking away from Hannah.
“Well now. Its a pleasure to meet you, Kevin.” says Hannah, blushing.
“I am honored, and I’ll be exhausted by the time I get back over this wall.”
“I didn’t ask you to do this you know?” says Hannah, trying not to laugh.
“I know, its a pleasure to do it for you though.”
“Thank-you? I still have to rescue your hat.” says Kevin, crossing the branch.
“Its a rescue now?” says Hannah, intrigued.
“Yes, I heard some squirrels talking about using it for a love nest.”
“Oh no. You better hurry then, please, but carefully!”
“As you wish.” says Kevin, crossing the branch to the tree in record time.
Hannah watches with an ear to ear smile as Kevin jogs towards the hedge where her hat awaits a valiant rescue. She takes note of his athleticism and broad shoulders while indulging thoughts of being in his arms, and entertaining the notion of his reward as he returns to the large iron gate to pass the hat through to her. “Thank-you sir.” she says bashfully, trying to mask any indication that she is lusting for him.
“You’re most welcome.” says Kevin, still holding onto the hat, lost in the endless ocean of Hannah’s blue eyes.
“Have you grown that fond of my hat already?” Hannah asks, coyly, fixed on his sleepy green eyes, wondering if he wanted them to be in a dream state next to hers.
“It is a beautiful hat, so maybe. There’s a little more to it.” replies Kevin, the butterflies in his stomach making him feel as light as air that he could fly over to her.
“Something on your mind?” inquires Hannah, taking a step closer to the gate.
“Yes...” replies Kevin, taking a step closer in tandem with her.
“I am swelling with curiosity to hear about it.” Hannah says, her eyes widening in disbelief of herself and the words forming on her pouty lips.
“Wow. Yes... Will you still be on the other side of this wall waiting for me when I climb back over?” Kevin asks, as if the moments that had unfolded around him were just fictitious creations of his mind he feared might come to an end.
“I will if you want me-”
“-I do.” Kevin interjects, before Hannah can complete her conjecture, smirking at the timing of his words in correlation with hers. He did want her, and now he was certain that she knew it. He releases his hold on Hannah’s hat, and takes a deep breath.
“What will we do?” asks Hannah, blushing yet again.
“I suppose we could just see where the wind takes us.” answers Kevin.
“That sounds delightful.” says Hannah, affixing her hat to hear head. “Hurry back to this side before I lose my nerve, please.”
“I’ll be there before you can say ‘Hannah has her hat back’ one-point-four-seven million times fast, and if you lose your nerve before then, I’ll help you retrieve that too.”

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It's Been A While, But...

...I'm getting back to this after a week of not writing. Someone noticed, aside from myself that is. So, what do I have to say for myself? I've been busy!

...I ended up working on the set of Lost Girl again. Great crew, great cast, great experience. People seemed happy to have me back and it looks as though I very likely will be called for more work, being as how it was the first of twenty-two episodes.

...I up with some people I've been meaning to talk to, or spend time with. I'm bad at that sometimes. Sometimes I'm somewhat of a space cadet, caught up in my own mind, which is kind of like space, infinite with possibility, or just expanding, until someday maybe my head or entire body might spontaneously combust. BLAM!

...I went shopping! I bought a new pair of shoes, a nice new formal belt and dress socks, come polo shirts, and several dress shirts. I even bought a miniature frying pan. I'm a damn good shopper. Either that I'm horrible at saving money? I've got to say though, it was nice to buy some clothes that didn't have cartoons or offensive material on the front of them. I am after all growing up. I've got grey hairs to prove it.

...I've shed a couple of tears. It has been an emotional week. I've been working out on a regular basis at the gym. My body is going through changes, somatically working what I don't need out, through  blood, sweat, and tears. All necessary, those things, and this week all for the better. I've dealt with a range of emotions, and not just my own. I've help people temper through their emotional storms, been a good guide as well I think. These things happen, and we need them to happen... Without storms nothing new would grow.

...I've been writing. I wrote a short story "Hannah Gets Her Hat Back" recently, a two pager (which I intend to revisit and expand) that I wrote in two and a half hours (rushing near the end because I was late to meet with someone). Anyway, writing that made me think if doing short story exercises more often and I got into writing something else, which I imagine to reach about thirty pages... I'm at nine. Not so short compared to the last one. This one I'm calling "Everything Is Lemonade". Not based on the blog, not at all. The blogs name actually came from the idea for this story that I let die, and decided to revive. Coincidentally, it is about zombies.

...I got stoned. Yes. With my cousin, who played a great set tonight, for many people including some friends, old and new. There were some pretty decent bands. I was sure to let all of them know it before they left. I was given a demo by one instrumental band that I really enjoyed but insisted on paying for it. Oy. I'm still flying. I haven't been stoned in a while. It is not entirely conducive with going to the gym, eating better, and generally trying to be healthier. It was as I said however an emotional week, and it was the right company for it. I didn't have an anxiety reaction to it (as I have other times, despite it having been an emotional week), I just relaxed, enjoyed music, and good company. I didn't even have a stoned-emotional eating reaction, though I have done a fair share of emotional eating. Chocolate coconut-milk crackle-coated ice-cream, crazy good! Rice crackers and avocado hummus! A bag of Smart Food popcorn! All of that healthy emotional eating, minus the Smart Food ironically.

...It's been a while.

Sunday, April 15, 2012



The weather outside may be damp and gloomy, but I've got a smile on my face. Why? Why the fuck not? I don't feel down, because things are pretty good. Even if I did feel down though, I would say "FUCK YOU EAT MY POOP BAD DAY YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BRING ME DOWN" and I would smile, because sometimes that is all you need to do to make yourself better, smile it the fuck out! So yeah, I'm staying inside today because my stomach is upset. This is due to the fact that I went to a friend's housewarming/birthday party last night and drank beer. This sadly means I will not go to the gym because it is terribly uncomfortable to run while being extremely gaseous and the possibility of sharting is frighteningly real. I will do with my today as I did with my yesterday before the party, and write write write!!! Yes, today is that kind of day, a writing day.

I hope your day, whatever it is, comes with a smile.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Poetry (4 the insane): Who?

This is a song I wrote lyrics for (a long time ago), but never really figured out the music for, mainly because I play guitar very poorly... So, in a way, it is more like a poem, maybe? You be the judge...


I called a friend the other day when I got home, 
I'd say that he was wasted by the way he sounded on the phone. 
It could have been the way he slurred and sometimes moaned, 
As he carried on I drifted off to thoughts of you with no decline. 
Who’s seen a light that blinds? Who reads between the lines? 
Whose climbed a tree before its leaves decayed and someone died? 
Who blows at the colour red? Who stops and thinks instead? 
Is this for real, who dreams up worlds all inside of their head? 
Well, I know that I do. 

I climbed a mountain and I shouted out your name, 
I know you didn't hear me but I did it twice more anyway. 
Somewhere beneath the stars I wound up on your mind, 
You didn't know the reason but you smiled and just now you know why; 
Nonsense can seem so strange; Frustration numbs the brain, 
Cause I'm not mad it doesn't mean that I'm not truly insane. 
Like monkeys shot to space, I'm dazed but feeling fine, 
If there’s a paper that can prove it, hand it over I'll sign. 
Space monkey was that friend of mine.

I saw a good friend on the weekend that just passed, 
I told her all about you and she warned me that it might not last. 
Not for the reasons I’ve had bad luck with romance, 
It’s just that you seem perfect and for heartbreak I say worth the chance. 
Who eats all by themselves? Who sleeps alone at night? 
When all they had to do was take a chance and roll the dice. 
Who dwells on moments passed? Who sings these lonely songs? 
I thought that love was perfect so I guess that I’ve been proven wrong. 
Now its time to carry on.

I’ve been alone; I would be glad to say, 
I met a girl in this universe that makes me crazy. 
I’ve been hopeful, close so many times, 
Just hopeless when you cross my mind; where is mine? 

I thought about you and it made my knees go weak, 
I only hope that if we meet again I'll have the strength to speak. 
Till then I'll carry on as something I must do, 
Imagining the thrill the day we meet to hear you feel it too. 
When you find love that brings you smiles ear to ear, 
Don't hesitate to hold them close each time you have them near. 
My dream girl passed me by, I fumbled it was lame, 
She's gone and though we barely met I'll never be the same. 
I never even asked her name. 


I went as far as recording a YouTube video of it (a long time ago)... The name of it then however was "I Thought About You"... That may still end up being the name, it does however clash with a series of semi-poems that I wrote that being with "I Thought About You" so, whatever. Check it out, note the extremely long hair!

In other news. My day today was/will be, like this...

Michael wakes up.
Michael gets phone call from past employer asking if he can come in to help.
Michael showers and goes to work.
Michael works well.
Michael goes home.
Michael writes blog.
Michael does some writing.
Michael goes out.
Michael goes to sleep where ever he ends up.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Rule #1: Cardio

I watched "Zombie Land" yesterday, a zom-comedy which I have already seen before and enjoyed enough to purchase on DVD.  In the film, the main character sets up the story of the world of Zombie Land and his life before it, and in it, and one of the running themes of the film is how he stays alive by following a set of rules, one of those rules being CARDIO! "When the outbreak started, for obvious reasons, it was the fatties who were the first to go." I don't want to be zombie lunch, no thank-you. I don't want to be a zombie meal or snack of any sort... Zombie bait? I'd consider it for a good cause. I'm getting WAY off track here though. I realize that zombies are fictional, and that these concerns are irrational, however, ones cardio is still something they should work on. I went to the gym today and did 40 minutes of cardio, the first 30 at 5km/hr, and then I was at 7km/hr by the end. I'm proud of myself.

I'm also proud of myself for buying Zombie Land. Why? I watch a lot of movies online. Working in the industry, I realize that doing this means I am not supporting my fellow filmmakers, so once in a while, I'll buy a couple DVD's even though I could easily just watch movies online.

I'm also proud of myself for booking my first audition at the end of April. Yup... I'm not entirely sure but it appears as though I'm being asked to read for the lead male role, who is described as a kind handsome guy in his early 30's. That sounds like me! I think its still a small part because the story seems to revolved around three girlfriends, but it would be fun either way I think. I'll be sure to blog about that audition and the results of either, whether I get the part or not.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Do 1 Thing: Own It!

No matter what it is you do, own it. OWN, IT. I took a gig yesterday as a 2nd Unit TAD on a Tier A television series filming here in Toronto. For you non-industry people, a TAD is a "Trainee Assistant Director" or a "Trailer Assistant Director", whose responsibilities (aside from dispensing appropriate paperwork to all the necessary people) include being early (seriously), keeping your calm and cool when the shit storm hits the industrial sized fan, and being the line of communication between set, and hair & make-up, and the cast. Essentially, the TAD is a glorified babysitter to the cast. If they need anything, the TAD takes care of it. So, that was it, that was my duty, and I owned it.

Today... What do I do for myself. What is my one thing? Gym? No, I walked a LOT yesterday. Clean up my living space? Yes. Do some writing exercises? Yes. Update my resume and email it to at least one production company or ad on Craigslist... Yes. Done!

Enjoy your day.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Do 1 Thing

Keeping it simple because I've got things to do...
What did I do today to further my goals?
I sat at a coffee shop and edited a script.
I sent out a resume.
I got myself a gig as a daily AD tomorrow on a Tier A television series, Alphas!
Then I made my lady quinoa black-bean chili and watched Community.

End scene.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Do 1 Thing

If you have been reading my blog you might remember my mention a different blog that I follow called "Do 1 Thing", a personal journey about making oneself accountable in taking one (or more) step(s) a day towards achieving their dreams. No? Regardless, pay attention...

I've taken some rather large steps in my recent life. I've joined The Directors Guild of Canada (DGC), to further my goal of being a filmmaker. I've moved to my own apartment where the only personal I have to be responsible for is myself. I also joined a gym to compliment my change of diet, to better my health, body, and mind. These were all rather simple things to do, yet it took me a while with getting around to doing them. Why? Could be that I was allowing myself to be a lazy procrastinator, or I was holding off with concerns of others and how my decisions would affect them, and it is even more likely that I was just scared. I'm in it now though, I've made the first changes, I'm doing. With taking these first steps, with making these changes, comes new challenges, new reflections, and a heightened awareness of time. With all of this new time I've had lately has come lots of thinking, and "Do 1 Thing" is one of the topics that has come to mind. The author is someone who I truly admire and respect, and has already inspired me to start this blog. I still however haven't made myself accountable to it, to my daily challenges, and I feel that because I appreciate their method so much, I might have to imitate it.

I've been thinking a lot about my dreams lately. Not the ones that wash over me nightly while I sleep, but the ones I create for myself and place on a map of my future. I think about how my map must look, the path I've travelled on it, and all of the markers I've pinned to it along the way. I look at the string of markers I'm close to with my dreams of filmmaking and notice that they all branch from one thing, my lost love of acting... It has always been a plan that I would make my own movies and play parts in them, but what of just acting in anything else? I realize I gave up on acting when I lived in Barrie many years ago, because finding an agent, and even doing extra work was just too difficult. I had to take time off work, I had to drive to Toronto, pay for parking, and at the end of the day, I'd be so far in the hole that it didn't make sense anymore, despite it being a lot of fun... Now that I'm living in Toronto, it is something I should have thought to reconsider, but I haven't... Until now.

I went to the gym.
I sent out resumes for on-set assistant director work.
I sent out emails and head shots for acting work.
Most importantly, I began making myself accountable for my dreams.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Short Story Exercise: Hannah Gets Her Hat Back

The stone laden wall was built quite high but knelt below the majesty of the trees, of which there were several on each side, branching out close enough to the wall that one with agility and audaciousness might be able make their way up, over the wall, then down another tree and back again, or so thought Kevin.
Hannah, a woman as beautiful as the most splendid summer season, of which she’d lived to see twenty-seven, stood with the wind blowing her long blonde curls, curiously watching a devilishly handsome stranger dwell on the dynamics of defeating the perceptible deterrent of a wall. She thought perchance his age close to hers.
“I appreciate the offer, but I’m afraid it is lost.” proclaimed Hannah.
“Nonsense, I can see it right there, in those hedges.” pointed Kevin, through the large iron gates that connected two sections of wall surrounding a grand historical building, and several acres of well kept grass, gardens, and hedges, one of which held Hannah’s summer hat captive from whence moments earlier a gust of air removed it from her head and hurled it up over the wall and out of her reach. Kevin, merely passing by, witnessed Hannah’s distress and kindly offered his services in retrieving it.
“Well yes it is there, but we are here, and this wall divides us.” says Hannah.
“A minor detail.” responds Kevin, meandering towards one of the trees.
“You can’t be serious?” she delivers, placing her hand to her hip for emphasis.
“I can be whatever I want, lady, within the realm of reality at least. Having said that, yes, I am quite serious.” says Kevin, touching the tree plotting hand and foot holds.
“Why are you doing this?” asks Hannah, who in her adult years had grown accustom to all sorts of men doting on her, and trying to impress her, which she found amusing as well as annoying, but in this case more than all the others, charmed.
“Because I haven’t climbed anything yet today.”
“You climb something every day then?”
“No, but I believe it is important in life to try new things.” says Kevin, beginning his accent of the tree with a fair amount of ease.
“Yes, but it looks dangerous. I don’t think you should do it.”
“Well it would be ungentlemanly of me to suggest that you climb wearing a floral summer dress and heels. My parents raised me better than that.”
“Indeed they did.”
“I am living in the moment. Today is the best day in the history of the world. I’d rather die right now without a doubt in my mind that I couldn’t do something I believed in my heart I could.”
“Who said that?”
“I did. There is a possibility that was someone’s famous last words.”
“Could be yours?”
“That’s ridiculous. I’m not famous.”
Hannah explodes into laughter, causing Kevin to stop as he is nearing a set of thick branches that extend out over the top of the wall. “I don’t have a hole in the butt of my pants do I?” questions Kevin.
“Made you look.”
“Very funny, monkey man. You’re really good at this you know?”
“The tree is doing most of the work. In fact, I think I could let go and it would hold me in place. Should I try?” says Kevin, releasing an arm from the tree.
“No! Please don’t do that. You’re almost there, don’t fall.”
“Almost? Top of the wall is the half way point, this is more like, one-third.”
“Very true. Just being supportive, you know?”
Kevin begins crossing the outstretched branches toward the wall, when he again stops and diverts his attention to Hannah. “I’m going to go out on a limb here, I’ve got to tell you something...”
“What?” wonders Hannah aloud, her mind ablaze with what might follow.
“Out on a limb, get it?” smiles Kevin.
“Yes! What? Continue, please.” smiles Hannah.
“Well earlier, I thought maybe you were slightly pessimistic, but now I’m pretty sure your optimistic, and assertive...” says Kevin, starring Hannah directly in the eyes.
“I like that.” Kevin makes his way across the branch and places his feet firmly atop the wall, shuffling a few steps over towards the branches of a tree that will take him down the other side.
“What is your name?” asks Hannah, totally enamored with her new hero.
“Kevin, Kevin Hannah. Yours?”
“Hannah Smith.”
They both smile and almost laugh a little bit, relishing romanticized thoughts that were they to marry, Hannah would be squared.
“I’d shake your hand but, I’m up on this wall.”
“That’s okay. How’s the view from up there?”
“Beautiful.” says Kevin without looking away from Hannah.
“Well now. Its a pleasure to meet you, Kevin.”
“Easy for you to say, I’ll be exhausted by the time I get back over this wall.”
“I didn’t ask you to do this you know?” says Hannah, trying not to laugh.
“I know, its a pleasure to do it for you though.”
“Thank-you? I still have to rescue your hat.” says Kevin, crossing the branch.
“Its a rescue now?”
“Yes, I heard some squirrels talking about using it for a love nest.”
“Oh no. You better hurry then, please, but carefully!”
“As you wish.” says Kevin, crossing the branch to the tree in record time.
Hannah watches with an ear to ear smile as Kevin jogs towards the hedge where her hat awaits a valiant rescue, and entertains thoughts of his reward as he returns to the large iron gate to pass it through to her.
“Thank-you sir.”
“You’re most welcome.” says Kevin, still holding onto the hat.
“Have you grown fond of my hat already?”
“It is a beautiful hat, so maybe.”
“Something on your mind?”
“Yes... Will you still be on the other side of this wall when I climb back over?”
“I don’t know... Will I?”