Sunday, November 25, 2012

Life, Made Simple.

There are some simple truths to life. One being, the best way to live it is honestly. It is best to be honest to yourself, and to other people. If you hold anything back in the moment then you're letting other forces make decisions that will shape your future... There is nothing wrong with allowing this to happen once in a while, but it is your life, and you should take ownership of it as often as possible. Another simple truth to life, is that you reap what you sow. Whether you're planting seeds of hope or seeds of doubt, whatever you plant has the potential to grow into something greater than you can imagine. It is important in this case to remember to be positive, and live with love. Life is a gift... Your hopes, and dreams, exist somewhere within it. If life sees it fit to send something wonderful your way, accept it, be grateful, and share it with others. If you keep a seed in your pocket, it will never grow. If you tell yourself you don't deserve something, it will escape you, so believe that if anything good comes your way, you've earned it. Another simple truth to life, is that it has beginnings, and ends. Ups, and downs. Joy, and sadness. You can't have any of these things without the other. You can try to simplify your life by removing things from it that make it seem difficult, or scary, and you might even be able to replace them with something less chaotic... The greatest truth to life though, is that it is inside of chaos, it is on the edge of fear, where life is most beautiful.

May you find your chaos. <3

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