Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Calm Before The Storm

Tomorrow night I return to the theatrical stage after a seventeen year absence. I loved being on stage when I was in high school, so what took me so long to get back to doing the things I loved? I could spend days or weeks or more analyzing all of the factors, the moments where I decided to be stagnant, but that would get me nowhere. Instead I'll look at one of the key moments that moved me forward... I jumped out of a fucking airplane! What does that have to do with acting you ask? I took a deep breath, I centered myself, and I took the plunge. I didn't back away. I accepted everything that came with the action. I weighed the pros versus the cons, and I told myself that none of it made a difference. The only things that were important was that I wanted to do it, and that I was going to do it, no matter what it would take. To me, acting is the same. If I could jump out of a plane, I could return to the stage.

Tomorrow night I return to the theatrical stage where we have been rehearsing this play for a few weeks now. "The Death Of Me" is what we'll be running. I play a man named John Adderly, an overly nice guy who finds himself bartering with the Angel of Death for a chance to go back to earth and die in public rather than alone in his apartment where his mother would surely be the one to find him. From there it spirals into something else all together, causing a couple of laughs along the way. My character gets stronger and stronger every time I'm up there, and I have yet to perform in front of a public audience. I can only imagine how much more exciting it will be with the energy of the spectators at the foot of the stage. I'm nervous. I'm excited. I'm ready.

Today... I'll do laundry. I'll read my lines. I'll go for a walk. I'll think about my life. I'll smile. I'll sleep.


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