Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Calm After The Storm

The play I rehearsed for several weeks, and performed six times, is now over. It was received very well, and for myself was a great experience. I've rekindled my passion for acting, and find myself missing the process of rehearsals as well as being on stage already after only five days. As much as I feel this way I will be stepping back from the next project the theatre company is doing... It opened up a door to new considerations, and I find myself questioning what comes next... It is scary, exciting, and depressing all at the same time. I feel a little lost... I know I need to focus on developing myself creatively, and professionally... Fuck, it's a big deal though. I know it's a big deal because any moment of change in someone's life is preceded by self doubt, and fear of failure or success... These are the moments where we want to run away, change paths, or cut ties, and do the thing that seems easiest... That isn't forward momentum though, that isn't growth. I can keep climbing, or roll back down the hill... Ugh. Fuck you hill, I'm climbing.

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