Tuesday, December 4, 2012

It's Not A Sailboat

I like watching movies. I watch a lot of movies in my down time. I've had a lot of down time lately. In this recent down time period, I've watched quite a few movies. I've learned a few things through this recent period... One of those things is that people who are in love are very fucked up. Like, seriously. I know this from personal experience. The other thing, pertaining specifically to the movie "Mallrats" by Kevin Smith, is that the photo that William can't see after days of starring at it, that everyone immediately identifies as a sailboat, is in fact NOT a sailboat. You know those photos that don't look like anything but strange patterns until you relax your eyes and suddenly see something three dimensional? Yeah, it wasn't a sailboat. I know this because I paused the movie when it showed the photo fullscreen, and relaxed my eyes, and it WASN'T a fucking sailboat. Kevin Smith, you liar! Why couldn't you find an actual stereogram image of a sailboat? That is all for now.

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