Sunday, September 15, 2013

I've been thinking a lot lately... You might have smelt something burning.

What are the things that matter to us most that we owe it to ourselves to strive for through the rest of our limited days on this massive yet miniscule rock floating in endless space? Hope is one thing. No matter how bleak things may be at any given moment in anyone's life anywhere across the world (some areas vastly more than others) I think we all want to hope for the best, because without hope why would we even bother to wake up and get out of bed in the morning? Though I prepare myself for the worst, I usually hope for the best in all situations, and not just for the benefit of myself. Speaking about myself though, two things that I personally desire, are a career that presents the freedom to have a creative space in which I can work on projects that I am passionate about, and a relationship with someone that compliments my personality, with whom I can share my passions. So I want these things, and hope for them... By doing this I might just get lucky, but if I go one step further and take action, my chances will improve. Where do I start though? What is the process for achieving such feats? How are we supposed to compete with every other individual on the planet with their mind's set on the same prize?

It's simple... We take a chance.

I've taken many chances and I've come pretty far I'm proud to say. I've been achieving personal goals, and am continuing to pursue greater challenges... It requires a lot of hard work, and difficult things like self motivation, pain, and struggle. A flexible plan is also useful. I have one of those, and I'm following it. It's somewhat terrifying because there is absolutely no certainty for success, but I have hope, and I'm taking that chance... At the moment work is steady, plans are falling into place, and I'm feeling confident. Now I just need my own place with a work room. It's close to happening, again. Yes, again... This time last year, amongst many things, I was turning half of my apartment in to an animation studio, I had gone from being happy with myself, to being happy in a relationship, I even jumped out of a fucking plane, and everything was looking great. Then, as the nature of things do, they changed. It was a difficult time for me. I would say I lost a little more than my way for a while for some time following that, but I'm back at it now. I'm going to have that ideal living situation sorted out, and eventually I'll have the relationship thing going well too. Until then, it's back to being happy on my own. At least that is what I tell myself... To be honest, once you're in a relationship you enjoy, you miss it when it's gone. I've only ever had two serious relationships in my life that I actually enjoyed in the sense that I was truly sad that they came to an end. They took place over the last two years, one after the other, the first ended mutually and amicably, and then fell apart because of the development of the second relationship, which I put an end to very recently because all of the compromise and expectations were falling on me and not on my partner... I was very happy, and had elements of what I wanted from a partner in both of those relationships, but neither it would seem were meant to last. So, what have I not been doing to find the right partner? I have thought a lot about this... I've come to the conclusion that I haven't really been doing anything wrong, except for maybe not listening to my friends when they give me warnings... I've followed the plan, I've taken chances, and I've had some experiences I will never forget, both ups and downs. I'm looking forward to having more...

Anyone reading this... I urge you to formulate a plan, and wish you luck with setting it in motion.


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