Sunday, December 9, 2012

It Is The Way

In our life time, there is a question of the way it was, the way it is, and the way it will be. Though these moments both exist, and pass, with elements of unspoken mystery, there is in them a sense of comfort that what we've done, what we're doing, and what we set our sights on, has a purpose. I find myself closer to where I've always wanted to be, with the experiences I've desired in my reach... The journey travelled from unexpected directions. I would say I got lost on my map, but if I didn't get lost I might have never been found. That is the way of life.

2012 was my year of love... It was joyous, and painful.
2013 will be my year of passion... I expect no more or less of it.

You though, should expect a lot more from me. <3

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