Sunday, May 19, 2013

A Blog About Nothing

You never know till you know, and even then, you'll only know it by your own perception. WHAT am I talking about? I'll be honest ladies and gentlemen, I have no idea what I'm talking about. I just clicked "compose" and started streaming my thought process. I suppose I should apply the starting statement to life. What specifically about life? How about EVERYTHING? Lets take my life for example. Why my life? Well, it is MY fucking blog for one thing, and who better to talk about it than me, you? Please, I welcome your words on the matter! Until anyone else chimes in however, you're dealing with me. Dealing with me... That's what I'm doing with me at the moment, dealing with myself, with my life, and all of the unexpected experiences that I've been having in it thus far in 2013. What have I discovered? I'm flawed. It's not like I didn't know this already, but I've had reminders, and in reality, those kinds of reminders are actually somewhat refreshing. I'm also very adaptable, and full of surprises. It's not like I didn't know this either, but again, rediscovering things about yourself is wonderful. I highly recommend everyone try it. Could I give you specifics on both sides of the coin to better illustrate these learned lessons? Absolutely! YES, I could. I won't though. Sure, I'm an open book, but I'm not going to sit here and turn the fucking pages for you. If you really want to know, you can set aside some of your personal time and I'll guide you through the pages. Besides, I share a little too much with people sometimes. I need to hold on to some of it for me... I'm taking back mysterious in 2013.

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