Friday, April 5, 2013

Are You Paying Your Bills?

I find myself today, as a majority of individuals do at some point in their life, in a state of financial uncertainty. This is the life I chose as a contract union worker in the film and television industry, where I prostitute myself (in a manner of speaking) to people and productions, for free or for a minimal fee, in hopes of leaving an impression worthy of a rehiring, or being passed on in good will. The winter months were cold and unfruitful professionally, as I found my personal life in transition... I realize this must be the case for many, and that the challenges I've faced are no more or less important that those of others. This is my journal though, so for the moment, allow me to pretend that you yourselves have your shit together enough that you're taking the time to care about my stream of consciousness with regards to the difficulties of my life... Difficult? It is nobody's fault but my own that I am not working, I need to go out and find something, be it film related work or a "Joe Job" to make ends meet between one gig and another. The reason I'm not working is myself. Me. I've allowed myself to make it here... HERE, is good. It's not ideal, but it's where I am, and I am enjoying myself... I have to be honest with myself though, as honest as I am being with you. I need to find a way to keep enjoying myself here in the now, and make money while doing it, because being HERE comes with a cost of living. Does sex pay? 

Do you have something you need/want done, but don't really want to do it, and have considered paying someone to do it? If "yes", then you and I should talk.

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