Monday, February 18, 2013

Be A Boss

I've always thought about being my own boss. Who hasn't? The question though afterwards became, doing WHAT exactly? I was always interested in acting, writing, and film, so naturally I took some chances and pursued a career in film & television, which I've been doing for over five years now, and I love it, but am not yet my own boss. In the future, I hope the projects I end up working on are my own, but that is the future... SURE, I can always start my own projects on a smaller scale (and I am), but how can I be my own boss NOW? Well... I thought of many ways to do this. I could link up with other creative people I know, such as my cousin Andrew, who makes incredible latex masks, and combine my skill for costuming, and mechanics, to make better masks that will net higher profits, thus becoming somewhat of my own boss... This is something that is still on the table, Andrew and I just have to make it happen. We will make it happen... Until that happens though, what else? What can I do to be my own boss... I made a friend a little over a year ago when I moved back to the West end of Toronto, an owner of a coffee shop at Lansdowne & Bloor. We clicked right away. Cool fucking guy. Him and I talked occasionally about the benefits of being your own boss, and business ideas, and amongst many other things, even the possibility of going into business with one another some day in owning a cafe that served coffee, and alcohol... That was just talk though, and talk is cheap. What isn't cheap, is actually doing it. Actually doing it is a challenge. Actually doing it is taking a leap of faith. Actually doing it is being a mother fucking boss... So, we're going doing it... I'm going into business for myself, or at least that is the plan. The next few weeks will determine whether or not it actually happens, but I'm giving it a fucking shot, like a boss.


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