Thursday, December 20, 2012

It's The End Of The World As We Know It

If you are reading this, please do yourself a simple favor. Regardless of what you may or may not believe, the fact of the matter is that tomorrow is expected to be a monumental day in history. Absolutely anything, and everything in this world - in this universe - is possible... I don't have any expectations as to what tomorrow might bring. I just know that when I walk out of my door to go about my day, I'm going to leave with a smile on my face, and love in my heart, and whatever happens from there, is meant to be. I urge everyone to do one thing above all things tomorrow, and that is to be good to one another.

Thank-you <3

Monday, December 17, 2012

Before The Year Ends

If I may be so bold as to speak from the heart, I would like a moment of your time to tell you how wonderful I think you are. I am never sure whether or not I express myself enough to the people who are important to me; people who have made me smile, who have made me laugh, and who have been supportive of me when I was unable to do either of those things. That is what this is all about. I love you. Yes, I do. I’m not asking for reciprocation or seeking praise. I simply want you to know that you have improved the quality of my life, and I am sorry that all I can offer you are these words for you deserve much better.

Thank-you. I wish you all the best through the holidays, and in the new year.


Sunday, December 9, 2012

It Is The Way

In our life time, there is a question of the way it was, the way it is, and the way it will be. Though these moments both exist, and pass, with elements of unspoken mystery, there is in them a sense of comfort that what we've done, what we're doing, and what we set our sights on, has a purpose. I find myself closer to where I've always wanted to be, with the experiences I've desired in my reach... The journey travelled from unexpected directions. I would say I got lost on my map, but if I didn't get lost I might have never been found. That is the way of life.

2012 was my year of love... It was joyous, and painful.
2013 will be my year of passion... I expect no more or less of it.

You though, should expect a lot more from me. <3

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

It's Not A Sailboat

I like watching movies. I watch a lot of movies in my down time. I've had a lot of down time lately. In this recent down time period, I've watched quite a few movies. I've learned a few things through this recent period... One of those things is that people who are in love are very fucked up. Like, seriously. I know this from personal experience. The other thing, pertaining specifically to the movie "Mallrats" by Kevin Smith, is that the photo that William can't see after days of starring at it, that everyone immediately identifies as a sailboat, is in fact NOT a sailboat. You know those photos that don't look like anything but strange patterns until you relax your eyes and suddenly see something three dimensional? Yeah, it wasn't a sailboat. I know this because I paused the movie when it showed the photo fullscreen, and relaxed my eyes, and it WASN'T a fucking sailboat. Kevin Smith, you liar! Why couldn't you find an actual stereogram image of a sailboat? That is all for now.