Thursday, July 19, 2012

Something New, Something Else...

It is Thursday morning. I am awake after having not really slept in... I don't often get enough sleep, and when I have the opportunity to sleep in, well I don't always take that either. I heard it said on some sort of television program by some sort of scientific researcher that it is not really possible to "catch up" on lost sleep... I know a lot of people that would argue that. They'd say "Dude, I slept for an extra few hours last night and I feel MUCH better"... Seriously? Of course you would, you didn't sleep enough for the few days preceding it, your body was tired, but you didn't undo the lack of sleep from the days before. Think of it this way... The sleep that you didn't get, was in the past... You can't catch up to the past, it has to catch up to you... Anyway, it is Thursday morning, and I am awake after having not really slept in...

My arms are sore, still, from Tuesday. My personal trainer really had me do a number on myself... This is the first time I've been this sore from one of my sessions. My arms are so tight right now I could deflect bullets... I hope not to prove that however. I am okay with the pain, it is a good pain... My heart (oh woe is me) is still a little bit sore, but also much stronger at the moment... My relationship did fall apart last week, but it came back together. The friendship part of it has grown, and the relationship part of it, well, is still somewhat fragile... Whatever happens at this point, whether it hurts or not, like my strength training, will be for the better. I'll just have to take chances and hope for the best...

Speaking of chances, I'm going to be jumping from an airplane in four weeks... August 11th. I'll be strapped to a professional because they don't let amateurs jump on their own for a free fall, which would be awesome, but it will still be a great live experience, even if there is a possibility that it will be the last thing I experience. I of course hope that it won't be the last thing I experience! There are many great experiences that life has to offer... My advice to you, is to jump at them whenever you get the chance.


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