Monday, June 11, 2012

Letter To A Loved One

There is a simple fact I have to come to terms with. I love you, and I am not the only person who is going to be in love with you... Just like you love me, and others are likely going to be in love with me as well... This is something we have to accept about our love, that other people will want it, and that our hearts are big, and we will share our hearts with others, but our love, that special love, will be for just each other, otherwise it is not truly love. It is something I want to do, that I am prepared to do, to trust you, to love you, and it may seem like a simple thing to do, and it can be simple thing to do, but sometimes it can be difficult as well... I read something someone said to you, publicly, affectionately, and through the words of a song, how much they loved you, and longed for your love... It pained my heart somewhat, to see you accept it kindly and openly, because my love, our love, is something that you don't share publicly... You speak frequently, publicly, of your struggles, and of "friends" who help you through them... I know in many of those cases, you speak of me, because I am your friend as well as your lover, but then I wonder how many of these other people, like he who calls you babe, actually knows that you call me love, like all of the people I meet and speak with come to know of how I love you.

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