Friday, March 2, 2012

No Excuses

Today's blog is going to be lightly peppered with excuses, despite the title. I haven't blogged in a while... I haven't jogged in a while either... I haven't flogged for even longer than the two of those put together come to think of it... I have however, snogged, and have been frequently for the last little while, but my personal life is none of your business, is probably not of any interest, and yet I am still going to share it with you anyway. That is what I do.

Re: Blogging...
"Everything is Lemonade" was originally created as a means for self encouragement and forced productivity. It did, and is (currently at a slower pace) still doing that, aiding my productivity, evolving my work habits, so in that case, mission success! So what, I haven't updated for some time, and haven't really worked on ANY of the projects mentioned (with the exception of the video game). I have been busy. Between finding a new place to live (found!) and working on the game (a learning experience), looking for a new film gig to move onto (pending), and spending time with the girlfriend (snogging), there hasn't been much other time.

Re: Jogging...
I was, for a short while, some months not too far in the past, jogging four times a week, often first thing in the morning, or on occasion immediately after work. This was working out great for me. I have through the winter failed to keep this going... I am eating healthier, and going out for walks, and from time to time I spend 15-30 minutes on a step-machine while watching DVD's, but that however, is nothing like jogging. I aim to remedy this, soon.

Re: Flogging...
My brother and I, when we were younger, used to have pain endurance tests where we would lash each other across the arms and back with bamboo sticks. Why? We thought we were tough apparently (read: I factually am). I don't get kicks out of beating people however, or from being beaten for that matter, but on a smaller scale, I do like administering and receiving good spank or a bite once in a while... What?

Re: Snogging...
Slang for: kissing, making-out, swapping spit, lapping lips, sucking face, etc... You should try it some time.

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